Natural Stone Disclaimer:
Variations in color, veining, pattern, texture, etc are all part of the inherent beauty of natural stone. We highly recommend ordering a sample prior to purchase in order to get a general idea of the current run. The actual natural stone delivered may vary from pictures shown on our website. If you should need more material after an initial order either to finish the same job or an additional job, the re-order is not guaranteed to match the original natural stone. It is recommended that you should contact us with your original order information so we can attempt to locate the same or similar lot. In addition, you should request photos and customer approval samples of the current lot for comparison before any re-order.
Installation is acceptance.
*Stone Sealer is highly recommended for ANY Natural Stone product to prevent staining, discoloration or other permenant alterations to the natural beauty of the stone over time.
Scabos 3x6 Tumbled Travertine
SOLD BY the Box - 5.5 SF / BOX.
5.50 PCS/BOX
44 SF/PC
Wall Yes Floor Yes Shower Floor No Outdoors /
Frost Resistant